Thursday, December 15, 2011

Down the Drain

I have sensitive skin.  If I wash it too much, it hates me.  If I wash it too little, it hates me.  It gets terribly dry and itchy in the winter.  Years of experience suggests my skin does not appreciate the lengthy list of chemicals included in most facial washes.  Even so-called sensitive skin products contain far too many things I can’t pronounce.  So, as my bottle of Cetaphil neared empty recently, I thought I would give something all natural a shot.  Figuring water alone wouldn’t cut it, I poked around on the internet a bit for ideas.  
I would venture to guess that you would not guess what I tried.   It comes in an orange box.  Can be purchased at any grocer for about a $1.  And sort of looks like a dangerous street drug.  Any ideas?!?!

Baking soda.  As in Arm & Hammer.  A pile of baking soda, mixed with a few drops of water, gently rubbed on my face for  a couple of minutes, and rinsed off.  That’s it. It’s working--in fact, it feels fantastic.

And the best part?  I did something for a completely different reason (to save my skin) and it turned into something world saving.  If I don’t wash my face with chemicals, those chemicals don’t go down the drain.  There’s a sh-load of nasty chemicals in beauty products (for more info, see here). 

It’s okay if you are whispering “hippie” under your breath.  I don’t mind. 

Oh, and if anyone is interested, I totally started collecting all natural beauty recipes on my Pinterest.   The possibilities are endless. 

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