Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Cool as a....Melted Popsicle

Anyone who has every paid an electric bill knows that running the air conditioner uses an excessive amount of energy.  Boo hiss, right?  Running the AC less = saving the world.
Our cozy home has a single window unit to cool all 600 square feet.  Luckily, Chicago’s summers are relatively mild.  At least they were until yesterday when someone turned us to “high broil.”  Seriously, it’s hot as Hades out there.   
Being sweaty-hot really doesn’t bother me---I very much prefer it to being cold.  However, I share my home with my husband and can only force so many of my world saving habits on him, so I can’t exactly boycott the AC.  But, I’ve uncovered many things I can do to minimize our use of the AC and optimize its refreshing-ness when it is on.  There’s: closing the blinds when we aren’t home enjoying the sunshine (something I’m TRYING hard to remember to do), minimizing use of the stove/oven (easy peasy—who wants hot food when it’s 100+?), opening the windows (duh), turning off the lights, and turning off other heat-producing appliances (that stinkin’ laptop AGAIN).   I turn it off when my husband isn’t home.  
Also, I am lucky enough to not have central AC at work.  I know it’s hard to tell when reading, but there was zero sarcasm in that statement.  It seriously negatively impacts my work productivity if I am in an office that’s freezing in the summer.  And I don’t get to wear my cute summer apparel.  Anyway, I have a window unit there as well, and, since I have my own office,  I can suffer all I want.  I’ve turned my AC on exactly once (on low, yesterday) and turned on the fan exactly once (today). 
AND *poof* I’m using less energy.   

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