Thursday, June 30, 2011


Yesterday, my husband kindly offered to pick me up mid-commute.  He was a few minutes away so I sat on concrete wall with a few others who were waiting for a bus.  The area (the Roosevelt Red/Orange/Green line stop, Chicagoans) is a relatively popular El/Bus transfer stop and is teaming with people during rush hour.  While I was sitting, a young woman came and sat next to me.  Truthfully, her demeanor didn’t scream warmth and, I’m terribly embarrassed to admit it, but I assumed her to be a bit stuck up (judging by her attire and other boring details there’s no need to write here).   As we sat, a gentleman shuffled in our direction asking each individual on the wall, “Are you blessed enough today to buy me an orange juice?”  Person after person shook their head or ignored him completely.  I prepared to spout my usual “Sorry, Sir, not today.”  But...I didn’t have to say a word.  Because that young woman pulled out her wallet and said, “I don’t have cash, but would you like to walk to Starbucks to get an orange juice?”  Needless to say, the gentleman was a bit shocked.  He asked, “Do you feel like walking?”  “Sure,” she replied, “It’ right over there.”  And off they went, she slowing her pace so he could keep up. 
Wow.  What a kind thing to do.  She’s a world saver.  Oh, and today's lesson --> I really shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.

1 comment:

Satoris said...

It's hard not to judge people by their outward appearances. Lesson learned...