Monday, May 2, 2011

What it really means...

There’s certainly been a theme to my posts thus far—that is, if you are willing count 2 posts  in the same genre a theme (two because I’m not counting the introduction…I can count, I promise).  This has been all about being green, saving the earth.  But, I thought it was important to share what “world saving” really means to me.  My definition of world saving actually encompasses far more than the environmental piece.  For me, this is about making the world a better place.  Certainly, this includes saving the earth.  But it also includes helping others, being nice, supporting others, curing cancer….you know, all that stuff.  I expect many more posts about the environmental piece, it’s a large, key piece of any world savers plan, but I want to put it out there that in my mind, there’s so much more to saving the world.   I hope I haven’t disappointed anyone. 


MAK said...

You rock Mother Teresa!

Amara Ugwu said...

Not disappointed at your definition of saving the world, but disappointed at the lack of new posts (UPDATE please!)