Thursday, May 5, 2011

I Have a Heavy Foot

With any problem I face, such as, how to save the world, I like to start by systematically assessing the extent of the problem.  I suppose that’s the scientist in me.   Since we’ve already established that saving the environment is a big chunk of my world saving plan, I thought I better figure out just how much damage I’m doing.  So, I decided to start by calculating my carbon footprint. 

Carbon footprint calculators are designed to measure your impact on the environment based on how much green house emissions you generate from the  “stuff” (e.g., transportation, food, clothes, electricity, ect.) you use to live.  At least that’s my understanding.  The science isn’t perfect, and it’s evolving, but it’s a starting point. 

There are many carbon footprint calculators out there.   I choose to use   What I like about this calculator is that it tells you how many earths would be needed to support the world if everyone lived like you (based on how much land and water is required to absorb the amount of emissions you create).  I like this more than the calculators that report tons or kilograms of carbon emissions generated by an individual because, quite frankly, those numbers don’t mean all that much to me.   Admittedly, I’m not certain how accurate this calculator is compared to others—I love to learn more if anyone has some knowledge to share on this topic—maybe I’ll test some other ones for comparison. 

A few other sites where you can calculate your footprint include:

There were some questions that I struggled to answer, but I erred on the “bad” side.

According to my results, it would take 4.7 earths to support the population if everyone lived like me!  You know what’s really scary?  The average American lives a life that would require SEVEN earths.  Just to re-iterate how crappy we are doing, the average for the world is 1.5 earths.    

Wow, do I have heavy feet.  I sorely disappointed in myself (and my fellow Americans) and simultaneously motivated to do better. 

What’s your carbon footprint?


Satoris said...

Let's just say mine's heavier. I won't put the actual number I got, lest I be judged too harshly.

TJ said...

WELL...I am not as good as you, but lower than the American average... 6.42!!! Yikes!

Stephanie said...

4.96...still pretty bad!

Jen said...

I think I have the advantage of living in a small home. But, I may shop too much--let's all home my husband doesn't read me admitting that little fact!

Jaclyn said...

2.01 earths... until it equals 1 or less it's still too much I think :(